Getting a new cat to bring home

The first day that a new cat spends in your home, regardless of where it came from, is the most crucial and special. If you plan to get a new cat, it is important to be aware of some facts about how cats interact with other cats.

Cats place a great deal of importance on their territory. A lot of us see our clothes the way they see it. Without them, we feel bare and unprotected. In a room full of strangers, most of us would feel embarrassed if we were to be seen without our clothes on. It is natural for cats, whether from a home or the street, to hide in their new territory. For cats that are particularly sensitive or anti-social, it is especially true that they will often hide for a week or more. He may not be aware of it, but we consider the new cat a member of the family.

Giving a new cat some privacy can make it a lot easier and smoother to move into a new home. In preparation for the cat's arrival, get your home ready. A bathroom should be designated as a space for your cat to place the litter box. The litter box should, if possible, contain from one to two inches of litter and be placed in a corner.

Creating a shelter where the cat can feel safe to hide in is the next thing to do. An inverted cardboard box that has two cut "doors" could be used as a covered cat bed, or simply put. Adding an "escape" path gives cats a greater sense of security than just having one. The box needs to be spacious enough for the cat to be able to lie down, stretch, and turn around. As well, it should be cozy. For the cat to see the door going to the room, the box should be placed beside a wall or corner. By placing a scratching post such as corrugated cardboard, cork, or sisal beside it, you can avoid making your cat feel trapped. To finish off, a shelf should be provided for your cat to perch on, allowing it to become accustomed to its new environment.

Once you are done, ensure that every part of your home is cat-proof. Surfaces should be high. If there are no perches for cats to jump from one place to another and inspect their territory, create some.

Let your cat come to you instead of reaching out for him. Come back after 15 minutes if he does not. If your cat does not eat, there is no need to worry. It is common for cats who have been moved to a new home to not eat for a few days. After a few hours, come back with a fresh serving of similar high-quality food, and just get the leftover food then. If the cat frequently seeks your attention, eats, and is often visible, open the door to provide more space. Gradually introduce your cat to each room in his new home.

Allow your cat to do everything at their own pace. It may take a couple of weeks for your cat to understand and accept that this unfamiliar environment is its new home, so please remain patient.

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